Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

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Eden Way, Argie Avenue, Leeds, LS4 2TF

0113 3206290


Jubilee 2025


Pope Francis has decreed that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee, a holy year which happens every 25 years in the Catholic Church.

The theme of the Jubilee is 'Pilgrims of Hope'; an opportunity for us to reflect on what hope is and how we can bring hope to our world.

“For all of us, may the Jubilee be an opportunity to be renewed in hope.”

Pope Francis

In School we have many Jubilee celebrations planned, where we will reflect on the opportunity to be 'Pilgrims of Hope'. We launched the Jubilee with a special Celebration of the Word assembly, where we prayed together the Jubilee Prayer and sang the Jubilee Hymn

Lent Retreat Day

Children were lucky to spend a day of prayer and reflection on the theme of being Pilgrims of Hop during Lent, led by Clare Lund from the Nottingham Diocesan Chaplaincy Team. Clare led the children in exploring scripture and how we can take the message of The Word into our everyday lives. The children reflected on what they could 'fast from' and 'feast on' this Lent. 

On January 30th we received the Diocesan Jubilee Banner - a canvas that is making its pilgrimage round all of the schools in the Diocese. It was passed on to us by the children of Christ The King School, and we shared a very special moment of prayer with them as they handed it on to continue its journey with us. We added our school logo to the canvas, designed by Year 6. We did lots of activities around the theme of the Jubilee. See some of our lovely thoughts and ideas.........

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