FOSH is our parent teacher association made up of parents and staff. FOSH organises a number of fundraising activities during the school year, including a summer and Winter fayre, Valentine and autumn discos, film nights, Year 6 leavers' ball, cake sales, and coffee mornings for our volunteers.
We exist to develop effective relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school, and to engage in activities or provide facilities or equipment which support the school and advance the education of the pupils.
Money raised from our activities goes towards projects that enhance school life for the children. Recent examples include the all-weather shelter on the Key Stage 2 playground; and the sail shade, picnic table and quiet space on the Key Stage 1 playground.
FOSH is entered onto the Register of Charities with the Registered Charity Number 1211879. Further details are here:
The charity trustees are:
Becky Bott, Chair
Natasha Harvey, Treasurer
Richard Hall, Secretary
In addition, we have co-opted Clare McVeigh to the committee as our sustainability ambassador.
By registering as a charity, we hope to deliver the following additional benefits:
- being able to receive charitable donations from local and national companies
- being eligible to apply to grant-making charitable trusts
- being able to receive donations made through Payroll Giving and Company Matched Giving schemes.
We would like to emphasise that we are ordinary, working parents, just like you. We welcome new parent volunteers and any support you are able to offer. This could include running a stall at one of our fayres, helping with the occasional cake sale, letting us know if you can donate to us through your employer's Matched Giving scheme, or even just joining one of our coffee mornings (we are a sociable bunch). We hold an annual general meeting (AGM) to which all are warmly invited, and we will advertise this through the usual school channels.
If you would like to get involved in any way, please contact us at