Online Safety Information
Social media
At school we are sometimes asked by parents/carers to investigate inappropriate behaviour on social media and problems associated with social media usage. Our PSHE and RE curriculum covers the responsible use and dangers of social media and, of course, the importance of treating all members of our school and local community with respect. Most social media applications/sites require young people to be 13 before they use them. If your child is using social media, please ensure they are using social media responsibly and safely.
Parentinfo is a website recommended by the Department for Education that provides high quality information to help families navigate the internet safely and confidently. We encourage all our parents/carers to explore this site.
One of the most important areas you can help your child is by being computer savvy and understanding how important online safety is for the overall development of your child’s well-being and education.
Please click on the links below for some vital information about online safety:
- A5 Online Safety Leaflet Final