A Voluntary Academy
Eden Way, Argie Avenue, Leeds, LS4 2TF
0113 3206290
Exceptional Circumstances Request
Parents do not have the right to take their children out of school during term time. By law you must ask permission for your child to miss school. If your request is not authorised you are likely to be fined £60 per parent per child. The Headteacher will only authorise leave if there are exceptional circumstances. Holidays are not considered exceptional. Should you wish to apply for exceptional leave, please complete this form and return it to school no less than 10 days before the proposed leave. By completing this form, you are understanding that all children are required by law to receive an education under the provisions of the Education Act 1996, that it is your responsibility as a parent/carer to ensure regular school attendance of your children, and that failure to do so could result in legal proceedings being taken by the Local Education Authority.